Welcome to SE Asia (Singapore, Indonesia, Vietnam and Hong Kong)

Welcome to SE Asia (Singapore, Indonesia, Vietnam and Hong Kong)

Saturday, June 5, 2010

Sex and the City 2

Oh!!! There is a Forever 21 in this mall. After dinner on saturday night, I got all excited. I saw XXI and I thought to myself 'time to get some T-shirts'. Susie and I went up the escalator to XXI. OH NO!!!! It is not Forever 21. It is the movies. Well, Susie and I form a spontaneous pair and we decided we could watch Sex and the City 2 again. Don't get me wrong guys. I just wanted to see how different it would be from Singapore.

We bought the tickets. Each cost 50 00o ruppyah, about 6 dollars US. We spent about 10 mns arguing with the cashier about where we wanted to sit. There were only 4 seats left and Susie and I insisted on seating as close as possible. Like in Singapore, in Indonesia, seats are assigned. After paying, the cashier told me that Susie and I were the funniest people because we are together and friends but we are buying our tickets separately. HMMMM!!!!

We then made our way to the snack and pop corn section. We had a choice between caramel pop corn and real corn and several beverages we could choose from. Susie and I decided to go for the "Sex and the City"drink. How convenient!!! We are drinking sex and the city while watching Sex and the City!!! What was hilarious was that while paying for my drink, we heard this man screaming on top of his lungs, "One more sexy" refering to our drinks. Sex and the City is a lime juice mixed with mint. Can sound weird but it is delicious.
The movies we went to, was obviously the place where richer people go to. There was an area with very comfortable chairs and table where people watched Jennifer Lopez and then Celine Dion concerts. In the theater, the chair was so comfortable and large that you can easily fall asleep unintentionally if you are tired. See for yourself in the picture!!!!

As expected, watching in Indonesia was different from Singapore. People in Indonesia laughed less and seemed to be shocked by some scenes. During the gay marriage in the beginning of the movie, Susie and I were one of the rare people in the room who laughed. Some scenes were completely taken out of the movie (for example Samantha having sexual intercourse with the best man). Also, many jokes were missed during the translation. Like in Singapoe, the movie was in english, but in Indonesia, substitles in Bahasa Indonesia were added. Maybe Susie and I should watch it again in Vietnam????? Reactions?????

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