Welcome to SE Asia (Singapore, Indonesia, Vietnam and Hong Kong)

Welcome to SE Asia (Singapore, Indonesia, Vietnam and Hong Kong)

Monday, May 24, 2010

Technology what an Improvement!!!!!

Technology has come a long way!!!!

I remember my mother always reminding me how lucky I am to have a computer, the internet, the cell phones etc.... She grew up in the period where people still wrote letters, use the typewriters intensively (you had to actually start over again every time you made a mistake!!!!). I also had the opportunity to listen to other adults (older than my mother), who resisted the move to the internet. Now!!! Most of them are intensive users of the internet, typing emails and joining Facebook!!!!

Well I guess it is easy for this young generation. Unlike the old generation, we were born at a period where this efficient technology was available to us. So no wonder that as soon as we could talk, walk, and enter school, we could easily adapt and learn to use different means of communication.
As I sit in my room on the NUS campus in Singapore, I am currently typing this blog that my mom in Haiti reads daily as well as my sister in the NOVA area, friends in charlottesville and other places in the U.S. I should also mention Skype. Since I have arrived, I have skyped with my aunt in New York and my mother in Haiti. I was supposed to skype with a friend from Charlottesville last night but she stood me up. Paula!!!!?
Cell phones are just amazing as well. From my room on the NUS campus, I was able to clearly talk to a friend's father and sister who were in the U.S.
All of them, the internet, cell phones and internet are extremely efficient and clear forms of communication here in Singapore. Five years ago, I would not have believed that such communication would make the world seem so much smaller.
Props to technology!!!!! and Singapore!!!!!!

1 comment:

  1. Wait a second! When were we supposed to skype? I stood you up? This is a first....
    Ok! I sat down and thought. I was totally supposed to wake up and chat with you. OMG! I completely forgot...even till today!!!!!!! LOL. I am so so sorry. Wow... i must say that it was shocking seeing my name in the blog. lol.
